
As a Christian author, you face the challenge of gaining maximum exposure for your book on a limited budget. Not to worry. Keep reading and I'll show you nine sure ways to quickly increase website traffic, maximize exposure and sell more books.

Get a Great Website Copywriter

I cannot stress this enough. Great website copy is crucial to the success of your book. Why$%: Because the right words have the power to generate the excitement you need to convert prospects into patrons.

Great copywriters know how to effectively leverage the power of words to communicate a clear, cohesive and compelling message. This translates into increased ministry support and book sales.

Get an Electronic/Downloadable Press Kit

People want information, and they want it fast. Interested ministries and organizations need to be able to instantly view and download your press kit directly from your site.

Make sure it has an attractive layout and a good high resolution photo. A good press kit is worth its weight in gold, because if it's done right, you can increase your speaking engagements and your book sales.

Write Great Articles

Can't write them yourself$%: Then, hire a ghostwriter. Whether you write them yourself, or have them ghostwritten, great articles showcase your expertise in your field and quickly establish you as the expert. This establishes trust and credibility which is vitally important to the sales cycle.

Distribute your Articles Online

Make sure to distribute your articles to article submission sites in order to maximize your exposure and drive more qualified leads to your website. Through what is known as "article marketing", you'll increase your website rankings, your exposure and your sales.

Use Endorsements and Testimonials

Got friends in high places$%: Know anybody who's been greatly moved by your book$%: Then use their words to encourage others to purchase a copy.

Make sure that valuable endorsements, as well as testimonials from people who have been blessed by your book, are visible on your website.

Provide a Downloadable Excerpt of your Book

Significantly increase the sales of your book by adding a powerful promotional pitch along with a downloadable excerpt in PDF. Be sure to choose a great snippet from your book, because if it's really good, this will peak the interest of potential buyers and make instant sales.

Make it as Easy as Possible to Purchase your Book

Are you selling your book from your website$%: If not, you're missing a golden opportunity. If you don't feel comfortable selling on your site, however, here's another option.

If your book is available through online retailers, simply add a link from your site. Potential customers will enjoy the convenience, plus, it becomes as easy as the click of a mouse, to purchase your book.

Collect Email Addresses

This is so very important. How do you do it$%: Easy. Add a sign up form to your website and attach a great "bait piece" to your site such as a special report, or a really interesting article. Then, simply require your website visitors to give you their email addresses in order to download the bait piece.

Be sure to provide useful information to increase the likelihood that prospects will consent to receiving more updates and special offers from your ministry.

Add a Web Log (Blog)

A blog is so great because it allows you to regularly add fresh content and stay in touch with your base. By keeping it interesting and current, you'll increase the number of repeat visitors to your website.

As a writer for Hobbs Ministries, a Christian copywriting firm, I work with self-published authors all the time. Trust me. I know that book promotion can be tough. But if you use a little creativity and begin implementing the great tips in this article, you'll be surprised at how quickly you can spread the word and increase book sales.

In closing, if you continue to remain persistent, prayerful and positive, God will give you all the wisdom and favor your need to succeed.

:%$copy; 2007 Hobbs Ministries. All rights reserved.

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